Tuesday 22 January 2008

Drums, drums in the deep...

My "overseas experience" (C) L. McAlister, is getting closer and closer by the day. In fact, it could be said that the reality of it is coming up soon, and yes, I'm slightly nervous. "Fie on the Southern Hemispherians", I used to cry, "What know they of love, of art, the finer things in life?" I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I have a very expensive medical tomorrow, during which a doctor will not stick his finger up my arse, whatever any of you philistines reading this may think, then a very expensive X-ray on Monday, then a very expensive exam (First week in March, good luck to the eight other wanderlust stricken souls sitting it with me) and then I shall be no more, in a manner of speaking.

Amidst all that, the New York Giants are now up there with the English Rugby Union team in my list of Sporting Teams That Destroy All That Is Light And True In The World.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where in New Zealand are u going? Are u going forever? What do they pay and do they offer accommodation and flights over to nz?