Sunday 17 August 2008


There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, really. I feel, not so much betrayed, as disappointed. Had he not decided to play silly buggers, I'd have had him back like a shot. As it is, I feel that a shining legacy has been tarnished. It's not going to do the Packers any good.

I'm glad Favre has finally gone, and I wish him and the Jets* all the best. But he could have handled it a lot better.

* I do hope that George R R Martin doesn't get so excited about Favre's arrival that he promptly has a heart attack, and never finishes Song of Ice and Fire. Although having it unfinished may well be preferable to the abortion that was the final three volumes of the Dark Tower.

Also, is it normal to support both the Giants and the Jets?

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